About me

The Nested Womb Center offers consultations and somatic repair for prenatal and birth trauma in an individual, couples, or family context. The approach has been informed by somatic psychotherapy, integrative baby therapy, formative embodiment principles, Jungian psychology, systems thinking, intergenerational trauma, and prenatal and perinatal psychology principles.
You could consider reaching out for support for any of the following reasons:
- A lingering trauma or a sense that there is something keeping you stuck in certain patterns
- Physical symptoms for which you have no explanation (migraines, digestion issues, joint pain)
- Couples who struggle with emotional intimacy and communication
- Couples in long-term partnerships who struggle with codependency issues
- Couples who are not yet pregnant and would like to consciously plan a pregnancy or birth
- Couples who are struggling to get pregnant (we look at underlying emotional reasons)
- Couples who are already pregnant and would like to learn to consciously relate to each other and baby
- Parents of babies born with a birth ‘defect’/difference
- Parents who experienced a traumatic birth of a child and need to process it emotionally
- Parents whose baby may have had a difficult birth experience (i.e. drugs, caesarean, use of forceps, vacuum, separation after birth, incubator, illness, long labor)
- Parents with a colicky, unrestful, or temperamental baby
Angel Buster, MA, MSc. has been offering somatic psychotherapy, existential counseling for adult individuals and couples for nearly a decade in Breda, The Netherlands. Recently she has decided to specialise in prenatal and birth trauma due to her desire to prevent many of the adult mental ‘illnesses’ (states of suffering), like anxiety, depression, mood instability, and stress related problems. For more about my personal story and educational background, please click here.
Our Address
Bastionstraat 13, 4817LD, Breda, The Netherlands